AIM 1: Day 1: Progress Report…

So I started the dumping!
Day 1: I went through piles and shelves of children’s books, and I actually threw away about 10 of them. These books were poor quality books not suited for any child, which is why I decided against donating them.

Lessons Learned:

1. Even if I own 200 children’s books, I use the same 10 over and over, because the other 190 are not accessible! This was a great activity because book reading became exciting again, not only for me, but for my son as well.

2. De-cluttering gets messy. If you can’t handle a mess, only engage in de-cluttering when you have ample time to clean up your mess, or keep it simple and small. For example: narrow your de-cluttering to your magazine pile, your wallet, your kitchen drawer etc.


Filed under AIM's

4 responses to “AIM 1: Day 1: Progress Report…

  1. Yogini

    Very exciting and insightful blog. I feel like the lessons learned are so true and one can only figure that out by going through the process. Thanks Adele. Can’t wait for garbage day to start

    • Garbage day started! Jump in. Don’t worry if you feel like you have nothing to throw away, just look through your bag or your wallet, or walk in your car; I guarantee you’ll fulfill the AIM in no time.

  2. Looking good! Congrats on the blog!

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